14 December 2010

Ford Motor Co. Restructuring (Ethics)

GE 40 Case 3: Ford Motor Company Announces Major Restructruing (Ethics)
by: Aguirre, L.; Amintao, J.; Ando, M.; Barbas, R.; Gironella, F.;
Maamo, F; Nacalaban, A.; Noval, J.; Tolitol, J.
14 December 2010, 05:40-07:10 PM at E 204, Eng'g Bldg, XU
Downloadable written report is now available: Case Analysis Ethics WRITTEN
Other files:
This is a copy of the Powerpoint presentation in .pps: Case Analysis Ethics POWERPOINT
References and Additional Readings:
Lecture series for GE 40 by Engr. Miraflor

01 September 2010

Chemical Wastewater Treatment

Report No. 4: Chemical Wastewater Treatment
by: Awing, I.; Barbas, R.; Bautista, B.; Gironella, F.; Nacalaban, A.; Noval, J.; Pamatong, A; Tolitol,J., Young, J.
01 September 2010, 09:30-10:30 AM at E 204, Eng'g Bldg, XU

Downloadable written report is now available: Chemical Wastewater Treatment WRITTEN

Other files:
This is a copy of the Powerpoint presentation in .pps: Chemical Wastewater Treatment POWERPOINT
For Disinfection part, please refer yourselves to A. Pamatong - since that PPT is not mine I cannot post it here.

References and Additional Readings:

  • Tchobanoglous, G., & Burton, F. L. (1991). Wastewater engineering: Treatment, disposal and reuse Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (3rd ed.). Singapore: McGraw-Hill, Inc.

19 August 2010

Water Shortage Risk Index

CETE 02 B Midterm Exam: Water Shortage Risk Index
by: Gallamaso, J., Gironella, F., Santos, G., Tolitol, J.

This is our attempt in expressing water shortage risk mathematically, in the simplest way possible. Unlike most disaster risk index, we have added a time variable.

Any criticisms and suggestions are very much welcome. We will attempt modelling water shortage risk using this index at a later time, when the formula will be corrected.

Downloadable Write-up: Water Shortage Risk Index

References and Additional Readings:

05 August 2010

Getting To Know Your Windows 7

Here are some quirks you might have missed when using Windows 7.
  1. "Always On Top" feature of Windows Gadget. I do miss the sidebar in Vista (where your windows will resize to accomodate the sidebar), instead of moving the gadgets around the desktop. However, most webpages and applications are not built to occupy the whole widescreen, so my gadgets are not much of an obstruction to my windows.
  2. Uncheck Autoplay. Windows 7 has improved much of its security. However, if you are more concerned of ease and usability, then you might want to to set Autoplay for inserted media. As for me, I have to scan first before opening any USB flash drives, and due to a traumatic experience, CD/DVDs.
  3. "Manually connect" saved wireless connections. You can check your saved connections via Manage Wireless Connections, then choose only in your home network to automatically connect to your PC.
  4. Services.msc rather than MSConfig. Click Run in the Start menu, then type services.msc to be able to manage your startup and automatic applications. I mostly turned mine either to Automatic (Delayed) and Manual. I disabled others such as those from Lightscribe. MSConfig only manages startup applications, and would usually duplicate apps until you turn off the application itself.
  5. Check Firewall. I block applications (e.g. launchers, auto-updates) that automatically connects to the Internet. Not only does it compromise your security, it also affects your speed and performance of your browser.
  6. Windows Media Player + Libraries. I encountered a lot of annoyance when I managed my Library in Windows Media Player. I found out that you have to check your "default folder" in Libraries to be able to manage your WMP fully.
  7. Set Registry Size Limit to "unlimited". After I installed MS Visual Studio (prepackaged with ArcGIS 9.1), my Windows Update, .NET Framework and Windows Resource Module would not work! I did find a suggestion to set the registry size to "unlimited". This is not a safe tweak though, and I am still observing my PC performance after I did this tweak.
  8. Run sfc /scannow and chkdsk. These checks came with your MS DOS, so why not use them? You can perform this when cmd.exe is ran by an administrator.
  9. Administrator privileges. Right click an application, then choose "Run as an administrator" to run the app in an elevated environment.
  10. Run Defrag only when it needs to. When it is 0%, you're still OK - that or you need other means to speed up your PC.
  11. Windows Aero Themes. They are free and quite beautiful. Head over to Personalization gallery of Microsoft.

30 July 2010

Sulphur Cycle

GE 32 B Report No. 4: Sulphur Cycle
by: Awing, I.; Barbas, R.; Bautista, B.; Gironella, F.; Nacalaban, A.; Noval, J.; Pamatong, A; Tolitol,J., Young, J.
30 Jul 2010, 09:30-10:20 AM at E 204, Eng'g Bldg, XU

The following is the outline and presentation of the report.
Downloadable Outline: Sulphur Cycle (Outline)
Downloadable Powerpoint presentation: Sulphur Cycle (PPT)

References and Additional Readings:

27 July 2010


CETE 02 B Report No. 1: Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED)
by: Gallamaso,J.; Gironella, F.; Santos, G.; Tolitol,J.
27 Jul 2010, 04:15-05:40 PM at E 205, Eng'g Bldg, XU

The following is the outline and the presentation of the report.
Download written outline: CRED (REPORT)
Downloadable Powerpoint presentation: CRED (PPT)

References and Additional Readings:

21 July 2010

R.A. 8749 (Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999)

GE 32 B Report No. 4: R.A. 8749 (Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999)
by: Awing, I.; Barbas, R.; Bautista, B.; Gironella, F.; Nacalaban, A.; Noval, J.; Pamatong, A; Tolitol,J., Young, J.
21 Jul 2010, 09:30-10:20 AM at E 204, Eng'g Bldg, XU

The following is the presentation of the report.
Downloadable Powerpoint presentation: R.A. 8749 (PPT)

References and Additional Readings:

06 July 2010

Collapse of I-35W

CETE 02 B Report No. 1: Collapse of I-35W (Bridge Disaster)
by: Gallamaso,J.; Gironella, F.; Santos, G.; Tolitol,J.
06 Jul 2010, 04:15-05:40 PM at E 205, Eng'g Bldg, XU

The following is the presentation of the report.
Downloadable Powerpoint presentation: I-35W (PPT)

References and Additional Readings:

14 March 2010

Culverts, Underdrains and Debris Control

CE 429 B Report No. 9: Culverts, Underdrains and Debris Control
by: Colanse, C..; Gironella, F.; Tolitol,J.; Young, J.
09 Mar 2010, 01:25-02:40 PM at E 202, Eng'g Bldg, XU

The following is the outline and the presentation of the report.
Downloadable Powerpoint presentation: Culverts, Underdrains and Debris Control (PPT)

References and Additional Readings:
•too be updates ASAP

07 March 2010

Case Analysis: Steel Foundry and Machine Company

CE 425 B Case Analysis: Steel Foundry and Machine Company
by: Amintao, J.; Canete, A.; Co, P.; Gironella, F.; Noval, J.; Tolitol,J.
10 Mar 2010, 06:30-08:20 PM at E 302, Eng'g Bldg, XU

The written report has the complete analysis, even points not included in the presentation.
Download written report: Case Analysis (WRITTEN)
Online Powerpoint presentation: Case Analysis (PPT)
Case (click to enlarge):

References and Additional Readings:
•Motivation: Report No. 1 (PPT Presentation, March 2010)
•Personality: Report No. 2 (PPT Presentation, March 2010)
•Human Behaviour: Report No. 3 (PPT Presentation, March 2010)
•Foreman: Report No. 4 (PPT Presentation, March 2010)

Other Parts of a Thesis

ES 23 BE Chapter 06: Other Parts of a Thesis

by: Amintao, J.; Borong, M.; Gironella, F.; Tolitol,J.; Young, J.

05 Mar 2010, 09:30-10:20 AM at E 302, Eng'g Bldg, XU

The written report has the complete resources, including descriptions, explanations, examples and their analysis. Examples presented in class can be found at the appendices part of the report. Download written report: Other Parts of a Thesis Paper (Written)
Downloadable Powerpoint presentation (minus the examples): Other Parts of a Thesis Paper (PPT)

References and Additional Readings:
Memorial University Libraries
•Thesis writing by Dr. Panopio (PPT Presentation, November 2009)
Sir Peter's book that I failed to copy the title/author
•XU College of Engineering The FYPS Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines (2006)
•Sample Abstract from Nabua, et. al (2010)
•Samples from Lo (2009)
•Sample CV from Lo, Oreta (2006)

03 March 2010

Sexuality and Society

SOCIO 01.1 EB Chapter 08: Sexuality and Society
by: Gironella, Fritzi and BSCE 4 and BSCE 5
01 Mar 2010, 08:30-9:20 AM at E 401, Eng'g Bldg, XU

Downloadable chapter outline is now available: Chapter 08 OUTLINE

References and Additional Readings:
Sexuality and Society Course Outline
•Sociology by John J Macionis
WHO What do we mean by "sex" and "gender"