01 September 2010

Chemical Wastewater Treatment

Report No. 4: Chemical Wastewater Treatment
by: Awing, I.; Barbas, R.; Bautista, B.; Gironella, F.; Nacalaban, A.; Noval, J.; Pamatong, A; Tolitol,J., Young, J.
01 September 2010, 09:30-10:30 AM at E 204, Eng'g Bldg, XU

Downloadable written report is now available: Chemical Wastewater Treatment WRITTEN

Other files:
This is a copy of the Powerpoint presentation in .pps: Chemical Wastewater Treatment POWERPOINT
For Disinfection part, please refer yourselves to A. Pamatong - since that PPT is not mine I cannot post it here.

References and Additional Readings:

  • Tchobanoglous, G., & Burton, F. L. (1991). Wastewater engineering: Treatment, disposal and reuse Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (3rd ed.). Singapore: McGraw-Hill, Inc.