03 November 2011

Groundwater Monitoring Well Sites in CDO

Proposed Groundwater Monitoring Well Sites in Selected 
Urban Areas of District 1, Cagayan de Oro City
(A Project Study Presented to the Faculty of the Department of Civil Engineering 
Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan)
by: Gironella, F.A.; Tolitol, J.J.; Borong, M.V.; Amintao, J.; Young, J.B.Jan Taat; Dexter S. Lo; Peter Daniel S. Akut
reviewed and approved by a board of panellists on March 2011

Public copy of the study can be viewed (images): GW Monitoring Wells Sites CDO (Public)

For those who are interested in groundwater, hydrology in the Philippines, and Cagayan de Oro City, I would be more than willing to hear from you! 

Publications and Presentations:
Final Year Projects Journal 2011
 by the College of Engineering, Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan
Expert Seminar Philippines: Papers and Presentations by the Forum for Urban Future in Southeast Asia