10 May 2017

Check If Your Email Account Details Has Been Leaked

News article: Anti Public Combo List with Billions of Accounts Leaked by HackRead
        There is now a platform called "have i been pwned (HIBP)" created by Troy Hunt from Australia, where we can search if our email addresses and accounts are included in "combo lists". These lists contain email address-password pairs.

Searchable database of the combo lists: have i been pwned? (HIBP)
        Search your email address and it will tell you how your account is compromised. It will tell you if your email account is included and in which websites e.g. Yahoo! It will also tell you if your email-password pair is being shared publicly (aka 'pasted').

Learn more about HIBP by the author's blogpost

Here are things I think I should do when my email account has been "pwned": 
     1. Change password or delete the account that has been compromised
     2. Check for details entered in the account e.g. credit cards, IDs....
     3. Change password of the email used in the account, especially if they are the same [never do this, by the way]
     4. Employ a password generator machine, like what is suggested by the HIBP author

Any more suggestions, or updates? Let me know!  (and consider donating to HIBP)