26 August 2011

Jiajia The Stuffed Toy Panda's Travels

Hi everyone! I realized that my Panda Toy has been travelling with me whenever I'm out of my city. It would be cute to compile where Jiajia has gone! After the jump!

Hong Kong - my first overseas travel: where I bought Jiajia, too! If you're wondering, he's in that Ocean Park bag I'm carrying.
Manila: welcome to The Philippines, Jiajia!
Golden Hills Farm (click here for its Facebook Page): Jiajia can't stand my singing! Haha!
Thailand (see my blog post here): Sorry, Jiajia's camera shy here - but I sure am not hehe!
Singapore: Just landed and Jiajia can't wait!
Cebu - my home for 1 month until my CE Licensure Exams: Jiajia and the rest of the gang are with me to help me sl-study =D

With my Masters classes starting soon, Jiajia will have more places to go! Bon voyage!


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Harley Reeves said...

Great ppost thankyou